Cyril Smals
concept engineer
industrial design engineering MSc."Product development starts with exploring user problems."
car seat development
I was lead engineer in the development of a completely new car seat family. We developed the products from scratch so that we could incorporate all our know how. Moreover, I contributed to several car seat development projects in the concept phase (see pictures). Right Picture: project at former employer, Maxi Cosi Coral.

cost down projects
By taking the production and material costs into account from the very first concept designs until the end, an optimal product price can be achieved. We can help perform cost price estimations plotted against product performances to make the optimal design decisions in your development process.

concept design
Conceptual ideas can be communicated clearly by hand sketches or by using of semi-parametric CAD solutions.

sustainability analysis
By making a quick scan of the environmental impact during the product lifecycle, we can determine the most effective aspects for improvement.

thermoplastic application consultancy
For 18 years I worked at an injection moulding company where I was responsible for the implementation of new production technologies and materials. I gained expertise in gas and water assisted injection moulding, EVA foam moulding, wood polymer compounds, composites and many other technologies. If you are wrestling with injection moulding problems, I can help finding out the root cause.
Picture: project at former employer, 2K water assisted injection moulding tube for copper replacement.

online injection moulding simulation
With this newly developed Online Service, we offer injection moulding simulations in 48 hours. This drastically reduces the time needed for purchasing simulations for our customers while guaranteeing Code’s expertise consulting.
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